Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Authentic Fish Places

Ok so this is the second time I have been to the restaurants at the port. Both times I have been pretty drunk but the first time I didn't have my phone. I think that was the night I cracked my ipod screen as well. But the second time I went I was a little more sober. Basically, I had gone out with a few people and my one friend had gotten wasted so me and a mutual friend took him home. This mutual friend had a car. We tried to find some bars but had to settle to go to the same damn talking bar I go to all the time. Luckily though our mutual friend is a Korean guy, and he talked to them, and we all went out to eat at the port. Wikipedia describes the restaurants thusly:

"The harbour area of Samcheonpo contains a multitude of rustic but popular raw fish restaurants close to the waterfront."

I guess rustic is one way to put it. They're tents and they use toilet paper rolls for napkins. Whatever though because the food is dope. I took some pictures. The place we went to was called "Grandmas Place" but as far as I can tell they are all run by grandmas. So I took a few pictures, here they are for your enjoyment.

I ate the hell out of that fish. I pay enough at that damn talking bar, they owe me.
                                 Theres that soju!

                                 Actual tents

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