Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanksgiving (Belated)

Sorry for the delay between posts. I'm just lazy, that's all. Also I've been studying Korean pretty hard so that's taken up some time. On Thanksgiving day, I had Korean BBQ for dinner. Not so bad, it was actually awesome. Chargrilled and everything.

On that Sunday, the International Church in Jinju had a thanksgiving dinner for foreigners. There were a few Koreans there but probably 90% foreigners. I was expecting an okay dinner, but it was actually fantastic. They had carrots, corn, green beans, amazing stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, white and dark meat turkey, and ham. Also pumpkin pie (which I hate). I thought I took a picture of my plate, but I didn't. Anyway, it was massive. I probably had 20 pieces of meat, two or three ladlefulls of everything. It was a mountain of a plate. i wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get seconds, so I went all out. If you've ever been to a buffet with me, you know how I roll.

I went with my friend Ron, and one of his friends Jake came to visit from another city in Korea. Me and Ron hang out a lot, but it was my first time meeting Jake. He was really cool. Said some pretty funny stuff. After the dinner, we grabbed some beers at this wine bar which is famous among foreigners. It's actually a hole in the wall. Like on the underground subway, it's a hole in the wall of the stairs. So we hung out drank some beers. We though Jake could catch a bus to his city, but they stopped running at 10:30. To catch the bus back to Samcheon po, we had to board a bus at a gas station and we bought tickets on the bus. Kind of weird, but I guess that's what happens when you take the midnight bus. Since I have a spare bedroom Jake ended up staying at my place. We chilled for a bit, had some beers. Then I took him to the bus station at 6:30 in the morning. Not that fun, but whatever.

Here are some pictures. The one of the rice and noodles is a meal I had at a Japanese restaurant with a Korean friend of mine in Jinju after I finished my Korean lesson.

                                These are from the Jinju river. It's quite pretty.

                                 This is near the Jinju fortress. I'll go there when it's not so damn cold.
                               My finished plate. Destruction.
                                Jake was talkin shit, sayin I wouldn't finish my food. Whos laughing now.

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